Final Wrap-up for my FDOM class

old main, TXSTThis semester in Fundamentals of Digital Online Media(FDOM) at Texas State University has been a semester full of new experiences for me. I have never done a blog before, I added social media accounts I never thought I would have like LinkedIn, and I learned way more in this class than I did in any other classes I have taken. I believe that’s the case because I enjoyed what I was learning. When our blog project was first introduced, I was constantly on it thinking of ways to make my blog and blog posts better. Aspiring to become a sports reporter one day, blogging is an essential skill to have in order to be successful. Blogging helps your writing skills, and also keeps you up to date and learning about how to use the Internet as a medium in many different ways as it evolves. I find this very important, to always keep up with technology and how to use it in terms of mass media.

I learned the importance of promoting yourself through social media. I used my Facebook and Twitter accounts to share my blog posts to help get my content out to the people in the online world. The only issue for me at first was getting used to WordPress and navigating through the tools it gives you. Once I got that down, my creativity could go to work.

I will keep continue to blog using this as a general sports blog, try to improve my blogging, and also try to increase my following. It’ll take time and work but the result is well worth it. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to look back on this post when I’ve made it to where I want to go, and reflect where it all started… when I started blogging in college for one of my classes.

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USA makes it out of the Group of Death! Phew!!!

Despite losing to Germany 1-0, the United States did what everyone said they couldn’t do and advanced out of the Group of Death. Against all odds, the combination of beating Ghana, tying(and almost beating) Portugal,  Germany spanking Portugal 5-0 to give a massive goal differential, and Portugal holding off Ghana from dethroning USA from that 2 spot got America through. It was definitely a handful of things to happen, but all that matters is we are moving to the next stage regardless of how we got there.

USA, Belgium
USA vs Belgium

Next up is Belgium, a top 10 ranked team in the World, made up mostly of young studs with a lot of pace. It will be a tough match but as all Americans say…. I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!!! I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!!! For a preview, check out the CBS news website. Kickoff is at 3 pm on ESPN.

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My Introduction to Storify

massrelevanceWe had Josh Shepherd, an employee at Spredfast/Mass Relevance, in a Skype interview with our class to talk about his job and what his company does. We had an assignment to tweet about things talked about in the interview and make a Storify story out of it.  So here it is:

I hope y’all enjoy it. It was a joy to hear him talk about the industry I one day want to be apart of.


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Heart Breaker for the USA! :'(

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This game hurt in the gut of Americans everywhere….. 😦

Going into the game needed at least a tie to further our chances of advancing out of the group, and to do it against a top 5 team in the world is a tall task. Looking that we were going to actually BEAT this team…. Ronaldo showed off his heroics once again and hit a beautiful cross for the game tying header. I was quiet, not believing my eyes for hours. I could not believe that just happened. I for sure thought we had it.

On to the next one though, we are going to have to show up against Germany and play well. The beauty of at least tying Portugal and beating Ghana is that with our goal differential even if we lose to Germany, we still have a good chance of making it through.


There is a good article by the New York Times covering the game.

If You’re Not Jacked Up For Thursday, This Should Do The Trick

Get stoked. BEAT GERMANY! #IBelieve

The Salt Shaker

Follow Fillmydelphia (@jdemcher) on Twitter

One moment doesn’t define us. This is exactly what I needed today. I’ve had a terrible taste in my mouth since the 94th minute last night. Been staying pretty optimistic the whole time, especially since we have like a 76% chance of still moving on to the next round, but like any American I hate it when we don’t win. Thursday is going to be absolutely wild. I know a lot of people are out there saying they’ll settle for the tie but to be honest, I need this win. Think about it. It’s basically Star Wars. Klinsmann (plus the other 6 Germans we have on the squad) is Luke Skywalker and Germany is Darth Vader. How much would those movies fucking suck if Darth Vader survived at the end of Return of the Jedi and they just both went on living their lives happy with the…

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USA soccer is Brazil bound!

The Salt Shaker

it should be your homepage


Official blog of Bigfoot Communications. #LeaveYourFootprint

Cesc Offenders

Sex, Drugs and Carlton Cole

The Sports Life

Just one man's thoughts and opinions about the wide world of sports. Walter Williams III

Preferred Walk-ons

The title is an analogy. It is pretty clever, read about it on “the collab” page. Seriously, it took some brainstorming so don't be lazy and behold our cunning.


Music Life

The Ins and Outs of E-Cigarettes

Honest look at electronic cigarettes and what they are about.

Trek Of a Texan

This site is the cat’s pajamas


A fine site